Friday, April 18, 2008

Google Searches - Foot Deformities Anyone?

Alright everyone, it's Friday (Happy Friday!!), so I just want to try something a little different. Let's go over some of the searches people have used to get to my site. Seriously, they are a little weird, and looking through the searches is kinda fun.

Google Searches:
  • "flight of the conchords" - not too shocking, I mean, this is a pop culture blog. What is weird is that I have gone through the first 10 pages of the Google search and still didn't find my page, this person must have read everything ever written about Flight of the Conchords
  • the last man comic - again, this isn't too surprising. However, this was a search from the Mexican Google site and I am listed sixth on the search! Score one for me. Just call me Tomas!
  • hugh jackman - ok, this is a little odd. I mean, I only mentioned Hugh Jackman once, briefly, in my Fountain review, it's not like I went on about him. Again, I went through 10 pages of Google links, and most of them were about Hugh Jackman shirtless (that will up my hit count) of his new comic book, so who knows why that person came here.
  • men's haircuts geek - alright, this is just starting to get odd. Haircuts? This one was really odd, but I figured out how it happened. When I wrote about The Areas of My Expertise, I mentioned a chapter name "History's Worst Men's Haircuts" and the word geek in the same sentence. Ah.
  • foot deformities - okay, okay, that's it. The internet is freaking weird. Why would someone come to a pop culture blog based on foot deformities? Well, turns out it was the same reason as the haircuts, it was a chapter title in The Areas of My Expertise. It's official, John Hodgeman is my hero and the king of the internet.
  • how i met your mother catch phrase - okay, things are getting back to normal again, this is a reasonable search.
  • the sims 2 - whew, also normal, although again, how many pages did this person go to to get to me?
  • orchestration music - from the Philippine Google. Huh, I must be an international superstar now. Huh, who knew?
  • when did comic prices jump to 12 cents - I'm the #1 search result for that exact search! Wow! My mom saved me again. I would like to thank all the little people for making me the #1 search result. Thank you. Thank you.
  • titan bonus - I think this has something to do with poker, as all of the other sites linked to are for poker. can I take advantage of this?
  • movie - alright, where do I even start with this one? First, who the heck just searches "movie", and second, how many millions of pages did they go through before getting to me? I mean, there are only 132 million hits. Sheesh!
  • secret invasion theory - # 1 search result again! Weird, I don't even have any theories? Doesn't anybody else have theories that that guy can link to? Poor guy with no good Secret Invasion theories.
  • blog flight of the conchords - back to the basics. Add the word blog and I am # 5.
  • the fountain movie - this one is from Russia! Anyone read Cyrillic?
  • the office nbc - hurray for the Office! Did you watch last night?
  • Pop Tv old tom - this one from the UK. This is the only one where I have no idea what they were searching for. I am # 6, but the first link is for a Diet 7up commercial with a peeping tom. Nice.
  • "secret invasion" - my most popular search hit. I think this will now be Tom the Secret Invasion Titan's blog.
  • sex - uhhhh...this is from Morocco and is a search all in Arabic. I am the # 1 result for that seach and also very very uncomfortable.

Well, that's it folks, that's how people get to my blog. How do you get to my blog? I hope you enjoy the site, and feel free to link to me so that people can get here from some other, more legitate means. Anyway, have a great weekend and I will be back for a fun-filled next week!

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