Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday - The Sims and Other Time Wasters

No, this post isn't all about Chris. I'm talking about the computer game. You know, the one that came out over eight years ago. Wait! Don't leave!

I was addicted to the Sims when it first came out. I played it like crazy. I'm sure I spent all of my free time for a couple of months glued to my computer playing it. Seems odd considering that it is a life simulator and I could have been living my own. Oh well, it was fun, and I really loved trying to earn as much money as I could and upgrading all of my stuff. I wish I could upgrade all of my stuff that quickly in real life!

I got about 4 of the expansion packs and enjoyed those as well, but by the time Sims 2 came out in 2004 I had kinda lost interest, and in fact, I only picked it up to try to entice the future Mrs Titan into spending time with me. (PS it worked!). Anyway, she immediately got hooked. Since then we have purchased four of the seven expansion packs.

I think I have mentioned before that my computer is old. I can no longer pick up new games to play, so I kinda rely on the graphics-low or older games. I recently spent the last month playing Civ IV off and on. I love that game, and will always enjoy going back to a Civ game. Well, I finished playing (I won diplomatically for the first time, but I felt like such a pushover giving trade routes and technologies to everyone who asked, what a brown-noser!), and guess what? That's right, I saw Mrs Titan's Sims game and decided to check it out again.

Sims 2 is still great, and all the new content added by the expansion packs (which I have never played before this month) are great. I really enjoy playing and wasting hours in this sandbox style game. I still want a new PC so I can play bleeding-edge games like Crysis, Fallout 3, and Starcraft 2. There are so many great games coming and I will have to settle for whatever comes out on the Xbox. Oh well.

Anyway, if you haven't played Sims (you know, you, the guy living under a rock), check out Sims 2 pick it up from Amazon. You can get Sims 2 and an expansion pack in the Sims 2 Deluxe package. Buy it below so that you can waste hours and hours and help me to afford a new computer all at the same time! It's a win-win (except for your free time!)

Have a great weekend! See you all on Monday, I'm off to spend hours living a fake life through a screen!

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