Friday, June 20, 2008

Some Other Great Blogs

Early on when I first started this blog I wrote about some of my favorite comics blogs, the people that inspired me to start this little bit of internet minutia. Well, today I want to highlight my other favorite places to waste time on the internet. Some of these are comics blogs and some aren't, but all of them are enjoyable and keep me from doing things I should be doing. Check these out!

Comics Make No Sense
Adam Barnett of Comics Make No Sense is one of the most consistent, and consistently funny comics bloggers out there. He has perfected the art of pulling a comic panel out of context and showing how bizarre (and sometimes disturbing) some classic comics can be. He focuses on some of the easy targets like the classics Legion of Super-Heroes and Superboy, but he also gets laughs for some of the more serious fare like Daredevil. It's amazing what some writers thought made for good entertainment, and it was, but it's even better with Mr Barnett pointing out the oddness of it all. Check him out for some easily digestible comics goodness.

Bad Astronomy
Phil Plait makes an effort on his blog to point out the things people screw up about astronomy, or science in general. For the most part I truly enjoy this blog. I love getting a daily science update and Mr Plait is one of the best writers for those without a science background. The one problem I have with him are on his political views. I have no problem with people who believe things differently than I do, I'm pretty sure that's almost everybody. I just have a problem with the way he refers to some people he disagrees with. Calling conservatives, Christians, or those with different values evil and/or stupid will not help get your point across and can turn people away from science. I believe that there is a place for both faith and science in the world and to condemn either is irresponsible and narrow-minded. That being said, Bad Astronomy is a great blog with daily updates about all things astronomical and a lot of fun to read. I hope those with values different from Mr Plait's can still enjoy it because at some point the future of our race could rely on this stuff.

Geekanerd focus on all things geeky (well, duh). These guys talk about comcis, movies, video games, and other random geek-filled fun. They have a weekly update about geeky events going on in and around NYC, which just makes me want to move to NYC, they do some crazy and unique things there. They also have some great comics reviews and video game fun. My only complaint is that they don't post often enough. They just celebrated their 1-year anniversary and I hope they keep it up. Great fun!

Polite Dissent
Scott of Polite Dissent is a doctor who blogs about comics? How cool is that? It's great to see comics (and pop culture in general, he also has weekly medical reviews of House) from the point of view of a doctor. It is amazing to see how ofter comics writers screw up and how they make mistakes. However, it is even cooler to see how they get things right! Scott also highlights medical cliches (psychic nosebleeds) and other medical quirks in comics. One of my favorite weekly updates is his PSA Mondays, examining comic public service announcements from the Silver Age (did you know a library card will allow you to take books home? It's true!) reading this blog makes me look at the world of pop culture in a new light, and that's a good thing.

Neatorama is like some crazy super-blog. It is not a pop-culture blog, but more of a trivia blog. There are numerous bloggers and the site is updated something like 15 times a day. There is always something neat to check out, like new fun videos, links quizzes and odd stories. Their historical trivia is like something out of Mental Floss Magazine (one of their partners), with humorous and unique bits of trivia mixed in. Recently they had a two part post focusing on the histories of some famous board games. It's good ole-fashioned incredible stuff If you read nothing else on their site, at least check out the board game posts. This is what the internet should be all about!

I have a couple more I might talk about in the future, but we'll see. Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you next week!


Adam Barnett said...

Hey, hey! Thanks for the shout-out!

AHR said...

Hey, we at Gnerd just saw this! Thanks for the mention, hope you're still checking out the site. We've got a new regular contributor (who just made his flashy debut with a post about which hero has the best villains), so we're back to a more reliable posting schedule. Mostly.