Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Favorite Comics Blogs

What with getting a job involving sitting in a cubicle for hours on end, occasionally I get a little bored with waiting for programs to load and/or new emails to show up that I need to work on. So, I fill some of these empty moments with checking on my favorite bloggers. They are all listed over there on the left.

Each one of these blogs inspired me in some way:

Not Blog X
G. Kendall is going through each and every one of the X books from the nineties and reviewing them to find out if there were really as bad as their reputation seems to be. Check it out to get his take on it.

Siskoid's Blog of Geekery
This crazy canuck posts at least twice a day, which makes him really fun to read. I started checking out the blog for his comics humor, but stayed for the Star Trek reviews. He is reviewing one episode a day and has been for 454 days so far. He is about to wrap up the last season of DS9. Great fun for daily readings.

Occasional Superheroine
Valerie writes about comics from a female perspective, which is a great perspective for us readers from the less gentle gender (you know, most of us). She points out some of the things in comics that are disturbing or inappropriate that really helps to broaden our minds and perspectives. My biggest hope is that she will bring about positive change in the industry and push forward women and images of women in the industry. Oh, and she isn't some obnoxious male basher, she is great fun to read and a fun sense of humor. Most importantly, she pointed me in the direction of some great graphic novels for Mrs Titan.

Bully the Little Stuffed Bull
Bully is by far the cutest comics blogger out there. Seriously adorable. He is also one of the most interesting to read. With his Ten of a Kind, Wodehouse a Weeks, Saturday Morning Cartoons, and some of the best Friday Night Fights of any blog I have read, there is always something fun going on on his site. Seriously, I never thought I would be interested in a British writer from the early twentieth century, but I read every Wodehouse a Week entry with fascination and am looking forward to reading my first Wodehouse. I also love the regular adventures out with Bully and am jealous of his adventures in NYC.

Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin
Mike has an incredible grasp of the comics industry. He is always talking about the latest trend in the industry, or the crash in the nineties. He has a creative perspective on the goings on and is always willing to share his perspectives on what is going on. He has the best business acumen of any blogger I have read, which keeps me glued to his blog. Also, his End of Civilization posts are some of the best out there where he covers all of the bizarre and disturbing things in the most recent issue of Previews.

Chris's Invincible Super-Blog
What list of great comics blogs would be complete with out the ISB? This blog has more kicks to the face than your average Chuck Norris movie and is always good for a laugh. Chris reviews comics on a weekly basis and continues to point out his love of face-kickery. He also mocks comics incessantly, and has one of the best senses of humor I have ever read. The ISB is a must read for anyone interested in comics.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Check back Monday for the 5 Movies I Can't Wait to See!

1 comment:

Siskoid said...


Thanks for the shout-out, Tom! Your impression is exactly the opposite of everyone else's (they came for the latter and stayed for the former), which means I must be doing something right.

And you've put me in great company too!