Friday, June 13, 2008

What Weekends Are For

Not sure if you all have heard of this, but if you haven't, you need to know about this. Recently, LucasArts has been releasing Lego games based on movie properties. A couple of years ago they released Star Wars, where you could play as little Lego characters through the most recent trilogy. Next they released Lego Star Wars II, which covered the original trilogy. They then put them in one amazing package covering all six movies! The Complete Saga! Well, a little more than a week ago Lego Indiana Jones was released!

All of these games are amazing. They are very well done, with lots of nice animation, humor and action. The games are very fun and well worth playing. I especially enjoy playing with Mrs Titan. The cooperative gameplay is great, with each person having their own unique skills and abilities. We play at least one level a day and we always look forward to it. While these games can look like they are for kids, they are not just for kids. It you want some fun and play a game with someone who might not normally play games, check these out.

Well, guess what was recently annouced? I can't wait!! Keep it up guys!


Anonymous said...

I am so exicted for Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Batman!! I love the Lego games!! Me and Mr. Lil Sis also enjoy playing those together :o)

Anonymous said...

The Lego games are the best! Agreed!