Sunday, May 18, 2008

Washington Trip Part 3

Our third day in Washington was also spent in Seattle. We went on the Locks Cruise. This cruise starts at the Seattle waterfront and cruises around Elliott Bay before heading north through the Chittenden Locks and into Lake Union and Lake Washington. This was a great little cruise. It lasted three hours and gave us a nice amount of time on the water with a great unique view of Seattle.

The lock.

Here are some boats that were named after me.

I think living in Colorado makes me the Western Titan more that the Ocean or Alaska Titan.

On the way back to the hotel, next to the Space Needle, we see this.

The Science Fiction Museum! We were tired from walking around Seattle all day (minus the 3 hour boat ride) and only blocks away from the hotel, but I had to check it out. So, I drag Mrs Titan with me to pay $15 each to walk through the museum.

Wow, what a waste of money. I mean, I love SF as much as the next guy (obviously, have you read the blog?), but this was a pretty disappointing museum. It was sorta chronological, but not much. There were very few pieces besides some books and photos. Each section was in themes, but a lot of the themes make no sense, like Homeworld, Fantastic Voyages, Brave New Worlds, and Them. They attempted to pigeon hole different works of SF into one of these categories which really doesn't make sense when you consider the stories.

There were a couple of great things there. First, they had some great sections on Farscape, and even a little bit about Futurama, which was awesome. I did appreciate the emphasis on books, as that is where SF started and where it continues to thrive. My favorite part of the whole museum was a large screen and computer interface that allowed you to go through TV and film SF's famous space ships. There were many I loved, including Moya and the Planet Express Ship, and they were all animated along with detailed stats. No Star Trek ships though. So, while there were some things to get excited about, there wasn't enough to make it worth $15.

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