Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It Was Funny Sixteen Years Ago...Right?

Can you name a few timeless TV shows? I think, of thinks like I Love Lucy, Mr Ed, and even Star Trek as timeless shows. These are shows that you can appreciate even now, years after they were created. These are the classics, the shows that everyone knows about and many people love.

Well, Mrs Titan and I recently came across a show that was way more topical than anything I can think of in recent memory. We wanted something to replace 3rd Rock From the Sun so we went for The Ben Stiller Show.

Every skit in the first episode was like a time capsule of the early nineties. There were U2 jokes (and not about the charity stuff), Calvin Klein cologne skits, and other bizarre flashy colors, akin to the opening theme of Fresh Prince. It wasn't bad comedy, it was just hard to find too funny.

I had fun seeing a young Ben Stiller, Andy Dick, Bob Odenkirk, and Jeneane Garofalo (back when I thought she was funny), but this fun just wasn't enough to watch more than the first episode. Half of the references and jokes made no sense to me (I was only 10 when this first aired), so that was it. We quit after only one episode.

If you love the nineties and long for very out of date jokes, then check out this show, you will love it. If not, skip it. I'll be watching sketch comedy made this century (well, or SNL or Kids in the Hall or Monty Python...huh...)

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