Friday, February 29, 2008


Well, it's a slow day at work, so I thought I would throw up an additional post before Monday. Before I get into regular posting, I thought I needed to explain something about how I consume pop culture media.

I have an issue with doing things in order. I don't like skipping around. If I bought one book in 2002 and another in 2007, I will try to read the one from 2002 first, even if I want to read the 2007 book more. Call me crazy, but it just doesn't seen right to do that out of order.

My Netflix queue is over 400 movies long, and all the ones at the top, the ones I am currently watching, are from 2004 or so. I want to watch them in the order I put them on the queue. Reordering them is something I only do when Mrs. Titan makes me because she is tired of Sci Fi or action flicks and wants some good old fashioned drama.

I subscribe to about 8 different magazines and read each one cover-to-cover. I also read them in the order I get them. This means that the current issue of The Atlantic Monthly I am reading is October 2007. Yes, I am about 5 months behind in reading a current events publication. Great!

So, why do I bring this up on my popular culture blog? Well, because some of my posts may be about things that people don't care about any more, things that were popular 6 months ago that I am only just now getting to experience and talk about. Ideally this will bring new insights to the topic.

I will always to my best to post topics that are relevant and interesting, whether or not they are current.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I mentioned earlier the topics I wanted to discuss, so let me give you some idea of what I mean.

  • What did I see most recently in theaters, and what did I think? (It was Jumper, and I was deeply saddened)
  • Why do I insist on renting old crap on Netflix just because I thought it looked cool when I was 13? (Seriously, I need help with this one)
  • I love light hearted and fun movies, and yet the best reviewed movies are always so depressing. And yet, I always watch them, even if they bore me.


  • As opposed to the rest of the blogging community I no longer read any books set in the DCU, I only read Marvel books, join me to find out why!
  • I am the most non-critical comic book fan in the world, which could make for the most boring blog you have ever read, come enjoy it all.
  • I've been reading comics for all of 2 years now, how many new readers do you know out there? Although, after reading some other blogs out there, I sure am upset that I missed the '90s.


  • How bad did my TV addiction used to be? Think between 60 and 80 hours of taped TV plus countless hours of whatever-the-heck was on. Then I had to go get a job, and I can no longer follow the exploits of lame sitcom characters I don't care about.
  • Find out my biggest guilty pleasure! It is not The Moment of Truth on Fox, I promise. That show makes me want to hang myself.
  • How come there aren't more good comedies on TV? Are they that hard to make? And yet, My Name is Earl, The Office, and How I Met Your Mother are just about the only great comedies out there.


  • I am always reading something, and I love science fiction. I seriously can't fall asleep without reading for at least an hour.
  • I will read anything, and I mean anything by Orson Scott Card, he has a way of making me care about just about any character he has ever written.
  • Not only do I love to read, but I also love to buy books, I have an entire bookself full of about 100 books that I have yet to read.


  • Who are my favorite bands and how come no one else likes them? Come on people, folk and indie rock are great! How could you not love Death Cab for Cutie or Nickel Creek?
  • Video games are great and yet my computer is not, this makes me sad. Also, I had to ditch the WoW addiction with that job. There's that job again!
  • Political blog? The world needs more doesn't it? It doesn't? Oh well, I will try to keep it light, but like I said, this category is for the "rest of the crap."

Well, that's it for today, but I plan to have my first movie post up by Monday morning. Have a great weekend everyone!

Blogging Begins

Hello All! Welcome to my first blog post. This is my attempt to be humorous and have some fun with all of the different aspects of Pop Culure that inspire, frustrate, entertain, amuse, and even bore me. I have no idea if I will be any fun to read, but bare with me and maybe we can have some fun!

I would like to post every day during the week, but do not know if I will be able to with my busy work schedule. I will try.

My intitial thoughts for a posting schedule look something like this:
Mondays - Movies
Tuesdays - Comics
Wednesdays - TV
Thursdays - Books
Fridays - Misc, this will include music, video games, and all the rest of the crap I feel like writing about

I have my doubts that I can stick to a regular schedule like this, but let's see where this goes.