Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ouch, Let's Laugh at People

Okay, so have you ever seen that show on Spike TV called MXC? You know, the one where some comedians took footage from a crazy 1980s Japanese game show called Takeshi's Castle and redubbed it to mock everyone? You know, this show:

I loved that show! It was great fun watching people fall and hurt themselves while at the same time listening to the announcers mock them relentlessly. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago Mrs Titan and I saw some previews for a show on ABC called Wipeout. It looked oddly...familiar. The previews showed people falling down and hurting themselves. Hmmm...

So, we checked out the first episode and at first I got very nervous. The hosts seemed to be taking the competition seriously. If this were a reality show where people competed and it was taken as a serious event, I would have been very disappointed.

Thankfully, once the competition got going, I realized that it was very much in the vein of MXC. The commentary isn't quite as funny as MXC, but the falls are as funny as always. Many of the people on the show were very stupid and/or out of shape. The hosts mock the players and even laugh at them when they wipeout. It's a great mindless summer show, and it is a lot of fun. Laughing at the competitors as they stumble and fall is a great guilty pleasure. If you've never seen it, check it out. It won't change your life, but it may make you smile.

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