This is the twelfth of numerous posts on Showcase Presents: Superman. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed the stories.Now, this won't be like most comic blogs with scanned pictures posted throughout. Mostly because I don't have a scanner, but the stories should speak for themselves, but also because I want to go through the whole book in the next few weeks, and I want non-comics readers to enjoy the kookiness that us comics readers understand from the Silver Age. While I may mock these stories, I am not making anything up, this is all straight from the comics! While I may mock, I love these stories and the character of Superman. This is great stuff! The cover scans are from the Grand Comic Book Database.
Action Comics # 247
"Superman's Lost Parents"
Long Story Short: "Superman can never be happy and never be reunited with either of his sets of parents."

He decides to talk them to his Fortress of Solitude where he shows off by riding a dinosaur, playing tug-a-war with a dozen "atomic-powered robots," and his creepy lifelike dioramas (seriously!). He then takes them back to his apartment for dinner, when Lois shows up! They scare her away so Superman can save the day and as soon as he takes off...
...Well, it turns out they aren't really Ma and Pa Kent, but Millicent and Cedric, a couple of crooks who have to recap everything with a tiny pen projector as soon as Clark is gone. They found out his secret identity so that they can sell his secret to the underworld. They quickly trick Superman into getting them some kryptonite so that they can make an antidote. They then roll away in their bubble, right behind Clark's back (again, seriously!).
They then blackmail Superman repeatedly so that he will bring them things. You know, like ancient artifacts. Anyway, Millicent takes off to buy some mink coats, so Superman moves in with his plan! A Ma Kent robot that super-hypnotizes Cedric and a Pa Kent version for Millicent. He then returns all of the stolen goods and mopes. Poor sad Superman.
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