This is the ninth of numerous posts on Showcase Presents: Superman. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed the stories.Now, this won't be like most comic blogs with scanned pictures posted throughout. Mostly because I don't have a scanner, but the stories should speak for themselves, but also because I want to go through the whole book in the next few weeks, and I want non-comics readers to enjoy the kookiness that us comics readers understand from the Silver Age. While I may mock these stories, I am not making anything up, this is all straight from the comics! While I may mock, I love these stories and the character of Superman. This is great stuff! The cover scans are from the Grand Comic Book Database.
Superman #125
"Superman's New Power"
Long Story Short: "The Man of Steel gets himself another power."

Later Superman chases down a car full of fleeing crooks. They bash right though him, and he learns that he no longer has super strength, but he does have his invulnerability, so he is fine (you were all holding your breath, right?). His fingers then shoot rays at the car, and the crooks immediately give up. So, what was his new power? That's a mystery!
It turns our, he has lost all of his powers except the ability to fly...and his new power. The next panel reveals the mystery. He can create a miniature version of himself. What?! Yeah, that's it, that's his new, fancy power. The rest of the story consists of Superman shooting a tiny Superman out of his hands to solve the world's problems. At the end of the story the tiny Superman sacrifices himself on some falling Kryptonite and Superman gets all of his old powers back.
This may be one of the weirdest Superman stories ever. Out of all the "new" powers that Superman could have been given, a tiny double is just really bizarre. It was a fun read, but I'm pretty sure my mind has been blown. I think this may be the weirdest story in this Showcase, but I'm sure we will have plenty more when I get to Showcase Presents: Superman Family!
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