There are two shows that Mrs Titan and I watch just about every weekend to help us deal with this issue. The Soup and Best Week Ever are a couple of cable shows that basically take the week's events, with a strong focus on Reality TV, and mock them with no mercy. We get to see the worst of these shows without having to sit through them, and then we get mocking commentary that we agree with and can laugh along with.
It's kind of a guilty pleasure with much less of the guilt. I don't have to sit through an hour of Tila Tequila to watch social retards eat pig penises (hrm...lil' sis). I can just watch them and laugh at them while I sit on my moral high horse and enjoy myself. It's great fun and both of the shows come in
their own fun and easy to consume bites. They are both thirty minutes long and are crammed with hilarious clips.

The Soup is by far our favorite, with Joel McHale and his snark beating the kids at their game over at Best Week Ever. Joel is able to step above the fray while recognizing that what he does is silly and, ultimately, pointless. He is able to talk about these reality "stars" as they really are and can make us understand the pathetic lengths they will go to to achieve this "stardom." He also goes above and beyond in mocking his own network almost the worst of these offenders.
Both of these shows air on Friday nights, The Soup on E! and Best Week Ever airs on VH1 and both make for perfect Saturday morning viewing. We love these shows because we can pretend we are staying above the worst, while reveling in them. Check them out and enjoy them the way we do. You'll be a better person for it.
I'll be back tomorrow with the Superman update.
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