However, there is something that has been bothering me all day. Mrs Titan pointed out that the closing logo, showing that it is a Bays Thomas production, is of Laika aka Muttnik. Yeah, that one. So, two of my favorite things are somehow connected. I have searched everywhere and cannot figure out why. If anyone knows why Carter Bays or Craig Thomas chose this image for How I Met Your Mother, I would love to know. I listened to all of the commentaries on my DVDs and I couldn't even find the image on the entire internet! I had to pull this form a DVD screenshot!
If anyone knows anything, or knows anyone who knows anything, please let me know.

hey, random commenter here
I want to know too. that's why I just googled for info. and found this blog post. (I wanted to put a pic of the logo on a fb group of mine ages ago and I had to screencap myself a pic from the dvd as well... that was kind of annoying)
I was contemplating asking Carter Bays on facebook about the logo, he recently accepted my friend request, but I wanted to search first if there was info on the internet, like in an interview or anything. Um anyway, I probably won't ask him because i'm a coward. So there is a suggestion for you if you want to ask him.
(I guess i'll keep this address open in my browser for like a day or something so if you reply to me I can see it. because there isn't really a way for me to get notified of a reply without signing up to something.)
i just really want to know out of curiosity, i happen to think it is a particularly cool logo. this is probably pretty weird that I am leaving a comment like this on a strangers blog. oh well thats the internet for you.
Perhaps it has something to do with the memorial hall of Russian dogs that went to space - at the Museum of Jurassic Technology (in Culver City)? They have these paintings - like in portrait style - of all the dogs that went to space. BTW if you haven't been I highly recommend!
In college they had a band named the solids. Since every episode they use one of the bands songs as the intro they included the cover of their album at the end of the episode as a tribute.
I guess it has something to do with the first satellite, the russian Sputnik and the first dog = mut, then muttnik. It's just a speculation, but that was the first thing that came to my mind :)
Okay, I knew about mutttnik, but why the partial Maine postmark?
The Maine postmark is due to the logo creator being a Maine resident.
This image breaks my heart. I can't stand that the Russians did this to poor Laika. The story is tragic. Sent a homeless stray into space where she died probably a terrible death b/c of heat. One astronaut when talking about his regret said she was a sweet quiet dog and he even took her home to play with his children during her training weeks b/c he felt bad for her :(.
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