Tristan and Isolde
Another movie for Mrs Titan, gosh, I'm good to her. I was led to understand that this was a romance set in the Dark Ages of England. How romantic! It wasn't quite the romance the wife was hoping for, unfortunately, but it did have some things for guys, and wasn't all that bad.

There were a couple of small problems that I didn't care for too much. First, I didn't think James Franco was all that good as Tristan. You know I hate to criticise one of my favorite Freaks Daniel Desario, but I just thought that this role did not suit him at all. He does not seen like a Brit and it was hard to believe him in the role. Although, I will admit I was waiting for him to screw up the accent, but he did an admirable job with it. Finally, and this is a personal problem of mine, there were numerous historical errors. I've been trying to ignore these in movies, but they still pull me away from the film every time. All in all, this was a pretty decent film
Lesson: Sometimes a stoner is not the best actor to play a great historic legend.
I have loved Will Ferrell since he was first on SNL, so I always look forward to a new Ferrell Flick. Unfortunately, I am not always impressed with his films. Semi-Pro is a different kind of beast. It felt much more like a sports movie than a comedy. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

The movie was fun, I thought Will was back to being a slightly more realistic character, with motivations and proclivities that make sense. However, I think I like Will best when he's not realistic, like in Elf
Lesson: Sometimes it doesn't matter how well you play the game, you still can't win.
Get Smart
We went to see the new remake of Get Smart, the 1965-70 TV show created by Mel Brook and Buck Henry and starring Don Adams and Barbara Feldon. We really wanted to see this movie in theaters for two reasons: Steve Carell and the original Get Smart
The movie was surprisingly good. I know that I

I was very pleased with the entire film. I loved Alan Arkin, Dwayne Johnson, Masi Oka, and Nate Torrence in their supporting rolls. There was also quite a few great cameos by random comedians and actors that ramped up the fun. My favorite scene was the war room scene. Not surprisingly, there is fighting in the warroom! This was a great film. I love Steve Carell and I am keeping my fingers crossed for a franchise!
Two Lessons: 1) Nobody likes crunchy pudding. 2) You can always win a fight with a kiss.
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