I gotta say, that after Iron Man, I was a little disappointed. I mean, the last Hulk movie wasn't all that great, but after the yummy goodness that was Iron Man, I was expecting more from Marvel Studios with Incredible Hulk. That's not to say that the movie was bad, only that it wasn't as good as Iron Man. It was definitely better than the last Hulk movie though, so that's something.
Ed Norton was good as Bruce Banner, but that's no surprise. The filming locations were pretty amazing. The slums of Rio in Brazil, BC Canada, and NYC all looked great, and I thought it helped to base the series in reality (you know... for a comic book). I also thought that the action set pieces (at least those with the Hulk) were pretty good.
Now for the bad. I was disappointed about how Banner became the Hulk. Boring experimentation? Where's the nuclear blast? It would have been cool to see Rick Jones too. I didn't think there was enough of the Hulk. I would have liked to see him on screen and maybe talking a little more than his two lines.
Spoilers below, unless you have seen the trailers (does that count as spoilers?):
The fights with the Abomination were a little hard to follow because for some reason the director decided to use really tight shots. It seems like two giant monsters fighting on the streets of NYC should be seen in wide shots to truly show how massive the battle was. Too bad. Finally, the Tony Stark scene at the end was short. In fact, you know what you saw in the trailer with Tony? Yeah, that was it, that was the entire scene. And, it was the very last scene in the movie. A little disappointing. Also, why would Tony go to General Ross about the Avengers? Seems like he should have found Bruce. Oh well.
Anyway, the movie wasn't terrible, but it wasn't nearly as good as Iron Man. Next time, more "Hulk Smash" please!

Lesson: No matter how many times you shoot the Hulk, you will not hurt him! Give it up!
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