Just like the rest of the world (well, not really) I picked up and read through the first issue of Secret Invasion last week. I moved it to the top of the pile just so I could read it for this post! Anyway, I haven't heard great things about Marvel's latest event. Or really any of the events lately. Most bloggers and fans, etc, seem to be kinda annoyed at Marvel and just don't like what is going on.
I usually think of myself as having good taste in popular culture. I mean, I did start a blog and call myself The Pop Culture Titan, so I must think I know what I am talking about. However, I haven't really agreed with most of Marvel's critics. I truly enjoyed Civil War and World War Hulk, and I am looking forward to Secret Invasion. I think that Tony Stark, while pretty arrogant with maybe a hint of God-complex, is just trying to do what he thinks is right. I really have liked just about everything Marvel has done lately (with the exception of One More day).
So, why then do I like this stuff which most of the other critics and fans (well, vocal ones at least) don't like? I have spent the last year trying to figure this out, and the other night it just came to me (just in time for this post it seems ; ).
I have a theory as to why I enjoy these turns of events while other fans do not. I am not a life long Marvel fan. For those of you who have read this blog in the past, you will know that I grew up reading my mom's old DC books from the Silver age. I grew up with them and really cared about them and their world. That's why when I tried to read them a couple of years ago I was frustrated and confused. They were not the characters I grew up in. There was a lot of mythology and history that I did not understand.
Not so with Marvel. I had no history with these characters. I had no emotional connection to them. I don't care if the status quo changes or if main characters die or are reborn or whatever. While I knew the basics of who everyone was and what their powers were, I did not have 40 years of continuity to turn to and look back on nostalgically. I am able to experience all of this as if it were new. Because to me it is. I like the overall world and universe of Marvel. I like that the world really does seem to change in the "world changing" events.
Now, I may grow into a fanboy at some point. One who feels that Marvel owes me something for being a loyal reader (besides great stories and art). One who gets upset and threatens the lives of comic book company employees for what they do with a copyrighted character that exists solely to make that company money. One who decides to boycott a company because it killed off a character or decides to change direction with another. But, I doubt it, that's all pretty stupid. I doubt I will ever become the kind of person who gets angry, bitter, resentful, or moody because of a comic. They are pure pop culture and that is all they will ever be.
Now, trust no one, the Skrulls are everywhere. Make Mine Marvel, and whatnot. Tune in tomorrow where we welcome back The Office (where I'm pretty sure Jan and Andy are Skrulls by the way). And don't forget to show up on Thursday for a special guest post!

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