Fables is a great fun mash-up of fantasy and modern story-telling. Very basically the comic is about fable, fairy-tale, nursery rhyme, and fantasy creatures forced to live in the real world after being kicked out of theirs by an unspeakable evil force. These creatures and characters do not age (although they can be killed), and work to keep their existence secret from normal people.
The leader of the Fabletown, their secret community, is Snow White, of course, and her sheriff is none other than the Big Bad Wolf, who can change into human form (all the better to blend in now, dear). Many, many characters from your favorite old stories show up, and all interact with each other in new ways due to their unual circumstances.
One of the most interesting aspects of their new existence is the fact that they don't all look human and, therefore, can't all fit in. There are giants and dwarves, talking pigs and all sorts of other animals that just don't fit in with normal folk. So, the Fable community purchased a large plot of land in upstate New York for them to live together in peace and comfort away from prying eyes and ears. This is the Animal Farm and the second Fable adventure takes place there.
What really makes Fables unique, instead of coming off like Enchanted
My favorite character, also, why I need a scanner.
Anyway, as you can see from Mr. Bunny up there Fables is awesome, and should be read by anyone who loves old fables, fairy-tales, nursery rhymes, and/or fantasy stories. You can check out the first trade by clicking below. With over 10 trade paperbacks out and a spinoff in Jack of Fables, this series is going to entertain me for a very long time.
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