Monday, September 8, 2008

The Brother's Solomon

Have you ever seen a movie that everyone hated, but you really liked? This doesn't happen to me often, but every once and a while I watch a movie that I don't expect much from and then really enjoy. This weekend it was The Brother's Solomon, a goofy movie written by SNL cast member Will Forte and starring both Wills Forte and Arnett.

They star as brothers John and Dean Solomon who were home-schooled in the Arctic and have absolutely no social skills, but are very good hearted and friendly people. Their dad falls into a coma and they learn that his last wish was to have a grandchild, so they search for a woman who will give them a baby. They eventually find another SNL cast member, Kristen Wiig to carry their baby. Much hilarity ensues.
I loved Will Arnett in Arrested Development, but has not really enjoyed him too much in any other recent films, because he is always playing stupid or arrogant jerks. It was nice to see him trying to be nice and screwing up royally in The Brother's Solomon. Will Arnett has never been my favorite SNL cast member but I enjoy his goofy thought process and really liked seeing him here. Kristen Wiig is one of my favorite SNL cast members of all time, but she was playing the straight role in this movie, and she was surprisingly good. She is good enough to do drama if she wanted to. Thank goodness she doesn't want to.

So, I mentioned I liked this movie but most critics seemed to hate it. How do I know this? Well, thanks to, I can find out what critics think of movies. So, what did they think of The Brother's Solomon? Well, 16%. That's pretty terrible. A "good" movie on Rotten Tomatoes will be around 80%. So, here is a case where I really liked a movie that critics hated. It isn't too surprising, but it can be disappointing sometimes.

What isn't disappointing is The Brother's Solomon. It's a lot of goofy fun that ought to make you laugh out loud a few times. It's not high brow or classy, but it is a lot of fun, check it out!

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