Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!

Monday, November 24, 2008
A Little Old...A Little New

Friday, November 21, 2008
A Message From My Past
Hey You,
Boy, you are a great guy! I am aren't I? You sure know how to pick a winner past me!
What have you been up to for the last three years? I graduated and I got a job and I got married and I bought a house and I started a blog!
Really? Yeah, seriously dude! Huh. That's odd. No, it's not, it's great, you're odd.
Anyway, hope things with [future Mrs Titan] are going great. They are, it worked out great! I told you it would!
She's a great girl huh? Duh, and I totally love making her read my blog and probably embarrassing her! Yeah, I know!
Anyway, you are probably all busy now with work and stuff right? Yeah, totally, and blogging, and all the crazy pop culture that we always loved!
You are working I hope! I am, and thank goodness you learned how to use question marks and commas. Idiot.
You better be, I'm counting on it! I know, cause you wasted too much money!
Are there any good shows on there in the future? Well, yeah, some. You would love HIMYM dude!
Are you still watching them? Duh, that's part of what this blog is all about. Not as many as you though, what were you at, like 40 hours a week?
At least the good ones, right? Yeah, I'm pretty much down to just the good ones now.
Do you even care about TV anymore? Yeah, but not as much as you.
Man, you've changed man, I don't even know you any more. True, I'm way cooler now.
Or maybe I do, who knows, guess we'll just see in three years. Good
luck! Things have been awesome, way to not suck it up dude!Your Friend,
[Future Tom the Titan]
Geek Alert!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Discovery Channel: Dirty Jobs

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Just Blame Mr Lil' Sis...

Now I am hooked unitl I can stop Saren and his evil plans. Then I have to stop Mr Lil' Sis from his evil plans to stop me from ever being productive again. Darn you!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Zack and Miri Make a[n Adult Film]

I became a Kevin Smith devotee. The movies spoke to me, even thought they were full of cussing, drugs, and nudity. I enjoyed the witty banter back and forth, I liked the kooky scenarios, and I really enjoyed the slight inter-connectedness of the films. I have seen every Kevin Smith movie in theaters since Dogma. Heck, Mrs Titan and I went to see (the very underrated) Jersey Girl on our first date (when she liked it I knew I had a keeper).
So, it was inevitable that I had to go see Smith's new movie, Zack and Miri Make a Porno. If you

The biggest problem for me is that I think I have (gasp!) matured since Smith's last films. I no longer find his kind of comedy as funny as I used to. I enjoy a more subtle humor that goes beyond the cussing for cussing's sake and the nudity and the gross-out humor. Now, don't get me wrong, there will always be a special place in my heart for Smith's movies, but now that we have entered the age of Judd Apatow and his crew, I just don't think comedy can ever be the same.
The one other small thing that disappointed me was the lack of any appearence (or reference) of any of the characters or events of any of Smith's other films. I know Smith wants to get away from the adventures of Jay and Silent Bob and the rest of the New Jersey bunch, but it would have been nice to have him throw his long-time fans a bone.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Discovery Channel: Mythbusters

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Where I Watch What I Watch

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Best Show...That You May Never See

Richter narrated his thought process and there were numerous imagination scenes, leading to some great laughs. One of my favorite scenes is when Andy fantasizes about what he will do with a large sum of money. He wants a new TV for his bedroom. You see...he already has one at the foot of his bed, but he wants one on the left side so he can flip over and watch that one too. But then, he realizes that that might not work either, because he would need one on the right side too!
It's great stuff. There are all sorts of great clips on YouTube, but it has still not been released on DVD. It ran for two whole seasons, and only 19 episodes, but it's a travesty that we can' watch this show whenever we want! Darn it!
Here is a Best of YouTube Clip, watch it and enjoy:
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Showcase Presents Superman: Part 13
Superman #126
"Superman's Hunt for Clark Kent"
Long Story Short: Super-amnesia!

He is soon attacked by a polar bear which forces him to realize that he has super powers. He makes it back to Metropolis ("instinctively") where he overhears someone call him Superman. So he heads to the nearest Superman Museum (seriously, he calls it "a" Superman museum, not "the" Superman Museum) where he studies posters of all his powers. He also learns he has a secret identity.
As Superman is wandering around he realizes that he wants a secret identity again and since he can't remember his old one he becomes a blonde Brit named Clarence Kelvin. He then gets a job at the Daily Planet and is assigned Clark's desk while he is on vacation. Two things: everyone at the Daily Planet is an idiot and Metropolis is a small, small place. Kelvin has to run off to save some sailors from a whale and when he returns Lois immediately claims that he must be Superman (again, idiots).
He has to get his memories back, so he goes to a scientist who 1.) explodes a bomb with him in a shatterproof bell-jar, 2.) shoots him headfirst from a cannon into a steel plate, and 3.) dips him in liquefied hydrogen (that's really cold for you non-sciency folks). Still no memories.
Then...out of nowhere...a solution! He will "fly at super-speed," overtaking "light rays that left the Earth long ago" and see things with a "collecting lens" Yeah, I don't get it either. Anyway, he sees that he is Clark, which makes him remember everything, then he fakes being Clarence Kelvin one more time so he can reveal himself to Lois. Kelvin leaves and is never seen again, Clark returns, and no one has a clue.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Princess Mononoke

Friday, November 7, 2008
- It looks like I'm not the only one who feels the same way about Heroes. Dr K feels the same way that I do, but as an English professor, he sure has a better way of saying it. Thanks for being a better writer than me Dr K!
- The new Futurama movie was released on Friday. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure it's great. Don't forget to buy your own copy so they will keep making them! I love Futurama and you should too!
- One last reminder: Don't forget to watch Whale Wars tonight. Or, at least record it so you can watch it later. It is well worth an hour of your TV time!
Have a great weekend! Don't do anything I wouldn't do and be safe!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Break Up Time!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Whale Wars

This show really has a little bit of everything. There is some beautiful footage of Antarctic scenery and wildlife. It is much more dramatic than I expect these kinds of shows to be, with a major accident that puts crew life in jeopardy (seriously, not like most "reality" shows). There is even crew dissension, which could hurt their mission. This show is truly different from anything I have ever seen. The people have a clear mission that they are zealous for. They will do anything to accoplish their goals and how far they are willing to go is a little scary.
I do agree that whaling at this point in the evolution of our civilization is a little silly. I don't particularly agree with the Sea Shepherd's tactics, and I think they could even be considered eco-terrorists. However, the show is pretty great. I can't wait to see what happens next, and the drama and excitement is genuine, and not manufactured like in most reality or documentary shows. Check out this quick preview:
Seriously, it is as exciting as it looks, I promise. Also, if you get a chance and want to learn more, check out the website by clicking here. And make sure you watch it on Friday!
I have to say I have been impressed with Animal Planet lately (and not just cause I got to see Whale Wars early, although that helps). They have began to make shows that are about people and their relationships to animals, instead of just being animal documentaries. With Grizzly Man Diaries, Living with the Wolfman, and now Whale Wars, we get to see unique people with unique relationships to animals and the world around them. Keep it up Animal Planet!
I Voted...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Iron Jawed Angels