The Space Needle is great! About two blocks from our hotel, we walked there in the morning and were some of the first people up the elevators.
The views from the top are pretty great and they have all kinds of different facts and pictures of when it was assembled to peruse while walking around the top with all the other tourists. We were conisdering staying for brunch at the famous restaurant, but when it turned out to be $44 per person we decided to take a pass. 
It was a humid and hazy day, so the city looks smoggy (it's not) and there was no view of Mt Ranier, but it was pretty great any way.
After the Space Needle we rode the famous Monorail to downtown and then walked back to Pike Place to do a little shopping and the waterfront to do a little more touristy stuff.
While on the water front we saw a most curious family. They were a young white couple with a little girl. They were all dressed in green, shabby clothes and all had dreadlocks. The parents both had backpacks which appearred to carry everything they owned. They were also carrying a giant sign. "Legalize It." Ah, hippies! Great! I love the west coast! I think that was the first four year old hippy I have ever seen. I kinda feel sorry for a little girl raised like that. Oh well.
We had lunch at the Ivars on the waterfront. Apparantly they only have Ivar's in Washington and California. It's a good little place that sells all kinds of fried seafood. I had the clam strips and Mrs Titan had the halibut. It was yummy, but someone liked it even more.
Yes, that is a french fry in his mouth, and yes, he jumped to catch it. This sea gull had to work darn hard to get food as there were so many of them. They were something else.
Along with the seagulls came these signs:
There was also this guy:
I totally tried to feed him, but I almost had my fingers bitten off by the gulls and he was almost pecked to death. Terrifying!
We also hit the aquarium before heading back to the hotel. It was great. I love the otters there. I didn't get any good pictures, but those things are some of the cutest, most fun-loving animals I have ever seen.
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