First, let me point out once again that I have only been reading comics for a couple of years, so my extensive knowledge about Spider-Man comes about as much from the movies as it does from the comic books.
For those of you who don't regularly peruse the Spider-Man funny books, or comic blogs, let me fill you in on what happened during One More Day. First, you need to know that in the comics Peter Parker and Mary Jane have been married for about 20 years (in the real world, not the fictional one). I have no idea if this marriage was controversial at the time (probably knowing comic fans). Anyway, I thought the relationship they had in what I read of the book was great and it seemed natural.
Well, essentially, during the Marvel Civil War Spider-Man registered with the government and unmasked to the world. As a result of this an assassin was sent to kill Peter Parker, but Aunt May ended up catching the bullet. Peter rushed around NYC trying to find a way to save her, but ended up failing. Finally, Mephisto, who I guess is the Marvel U's version of Satan, came and offered to bring May back from the brink for the Parker's marriage. Of course, they agree, and things are "retconned," or rebooted, back to before Peter and Mary Jane's marriage.
This whole move was on the part of Joe Quesada to reset Spidey's world and make the character more accessible, etc. Now, I have no idea how a married antagonist is not accessible. I found they're relationship enjoyable to follow (much better than in the movies), and fairly realistic (you know, for a superhero comic).
Some have seen this as an attack against marriage, and while that may be going a bit far, it did seem unnecessary and a little disturbing. I mean, if a close relative who was in his or her seventies was on the brink of death, there is no way I would go back on my marriage to Mrs Titan. I can see how it makes the entire fan base feel like the marriage was a sham. I truly hope that no married person who truly loves their partner would consider this to be a realistic action. No matter how desperate one is, there must be a time when we just let go in a situation like that.
Okay, I'm done preaching now. While One More Day sucked, the outcome Brand New Day, is pretty fun. I've really been enjoying seeing where the (now huge) Spidey Team takes it. Check it out if you haven't!

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